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In a sector that is governed by regulations from the UK and internationally, keeping track of what is happening is important to the strategy and long-term health of any organisation involved in the Cyber Security world. The APPG is an excellent way both to be informed and to inform Parliamentarians and fellow members.

Membership of the group is automatically open to all members of both Houses of Parliament. Members of the wider cyber security community are invited to register with the group.

Benefits of membership:

The fees for non-Parliamentarians are:

Corporate ( > £50m turnover) £3000
Enterprise (£1m – £50m turnover) £1000
Small ( < £1m turnover) £500
Academic Institutions £1000
Charity / Not for profit £500

How to Join:

We are open to application for membership from any company, not-for-profit organisation or academic body with an interest in Cyber Security. We want to create a breadth and depth of members. By breadth we mean ranging from academic institutions through practitioners and suppliers into the Cyber Security world and by depth, supplying knowledge about how systems work and how they work for the consumer and businesses in the UK.

If you are interested in joining the group, please contact the administrator using details from the Contact page.


Royal Holloway Logo

Information Security Group
Royal Holloway,
University of London

Wychwood Consulting Logo

Wychwood Consulting Ltd

Active Members Mailing List

Under the rules governing APPGs we are required to list on the website a list of active members. This is defined as those on the mailing list and can be found here (Mailing List).